Saturday, December 08, 2007

Bosnian double standards.

From the very start of the atrocities in the Balkans, it has been an article of faith from the liberal left that the Serbs were brutal aggressors and the Bosnians and Kosovars were innocent victims. [Of course, the Serbs were of Christian origin and the other side were Muslim - I am sure this could have no possible bearing on which side Blair and Labour chose to support.]
The trouble is that nobody ever mentions that the Kosovars were 'walk-in invaders' from Albania over a period of decades until they outnumbered the locals. This excuses nothing in terms of violence but does show where much Serb resentment came from. [History for us to learn from?]

Secondly, Kosovan and Bosnian atrocities against Serbs - massive in number - are virtually expunged from history. Double standards are operating smoothly.This was a war of hate and it is wrongly assumed that issues could be viewed in black and white.

Look at this piece from 2006 and see if you feel that the liberal left - this time on a global scale - have acted evenhandedly.

"The atrocities of Srebreneca, a small silver-mining town in Bosnia, are remembered now more for the terrible events of July 1995, when Bosnian Serb leaders Ratko Miladic and Radnan Karodic massacred more than 8,000 Muslim men and boys from the town.
This event was inexcusable and despicable, but the media seems to ignore the events that had gone on for three years in the region before that massacre took place. Bosnian Muslims troops, under the command of Naser Oric (pictured) committed disgusting obscenities. Serb civilian victims were mutilated by having eyes gouged, heads opened, hearts removed. A slide show of 34 images of atrocities committed between 1992 and 1995 can be found
Today, the UN International War Crimes Tribunal, based at the Hague in the Netherlands found Nacer Oric guilty of war crimes and sentenced him to
a mere two years jail"

I am sure he should be out by now after 'paying his debt' to world society!
***Late news just in shows that if you over run a country - eventually it will be given to you!
How very pragmatic of the EU!

Looking Back. How Helpful To The Christian Faith Was The King's Speech?