Sunday, December 23, 2007


There is so much to dislike about the BNP but what I find to be equally gut-churning is the so-called 'moral high ground' claimed by all the liberal left whenever the BNP is mentioned. Hissy fits abound.
I can think of countless dreadful things done to the voting population by the liberal left, to which the BNP has made no contribution whatsoever.
The liberal left has had its atrocious own way for so long that we are almost unable to think outside the very narrow parameters which they permit us.
The danger is that in rejecting the liberal left and all of its evil, the tendency for some is to swing wildly across to the BNP as they are its antithesis.
We tend to forget that liberal left governments are extremist because we have become accustomed to them and yet people become horrified that an 'extremist' BNP government could ever occur. Frankly, I do not know which side is the more scary. Probably it is the liberal left as they have the power and exercise it so terribly.
If people wonder why I joined the UK Independence Party, it is because it is not liberal left and lacks the very unpleasant activists which are sometimes found in the BNP.
Furthermore, the BNP tend to want centralised controls and so are closer to socialism than either side would like to admit.

Are they unfairly portrayed by the media? - The answer is 'yes', of course, but it is not so much that I want to see them given a fair crack of the whip but rather I want to see more newspapers than the Daily Mail giving the champagne lefties the trouncing they so richly deserve.
My concern is that when that worm which is the British public finally turns on the liberal left, it will be a total reaction and that they could easily swing to the hard right.
I know of a factory, where a worker has told me that the BNP could even be in the majority NOW.
Hardened Labour voters do not vote tory or lib dem when fed up - initially they do not vote and ultimately they move to the extreme right. Look at voting patterns in France for the clues.

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