Friday, December 14, 2007


Sadly, the feminist movement, brains and mouths frequently not connected, has been directly responsible for the deplorable state of convictions for rape.
With only some 7% [that is SEVEN per cent] of rapes leading to convictions, we have to ask why this is the case.
Feminist interference at the political level has put juries on the spot.
The victim has anonymity - the accused has not. Feminists categorically refuse to differentiate between different types of rape. Feminists have demanded that convictions should be made easier to achieve and have blithely ignored the large numbers of false accusations which are made, frequently without penalty.
Juries therefore will tend not to convict unless the evidence goes well beyond he said/she said.
Feminists insist that marital rape is just the same as a prowler who lurks in the park. They are badly wrong.

1] Marital rape does not have the degree of negative connotations of rape by stranger. The offence should be one of 'unlawful intercourse'and carry equivalent penalties to other domestic violence - typically the same as ABH.Custody would be likely. [This would of course not include situations where separations are in place.]
2] A special offence should be created with similar penalties for those who take advantage of those who have abused drugs or alcohol. It is almost impossible to ascertain whether consent was given and how much value should be put onto this.
3] Those who use Rohipnol to lower the guard of targets should receive a mandatory minimum of five years.
4] Anybody with more than one conviction from the above list should face the lengthy sentences below.
5] Stranger rape with threats should have a mandatory minimum of fifteen years and this must rise to twenty five where violence is used.Two such rapes should result in life imprisonment without expectation of parole.

PICTURE: The Rape of The Daughters of Leucippus. Peter Paul Rubens.

***18th December.

23rd December.

Looking Back. How Helpful To The Christian Faith Was The King's Speech?