Saturday, December 08, 2007

Pornography or 'Goodnight Sweetheart'?

So which is the more socially damaging - pornography or 'Goodnight Sweetheart', the nicey, feelgood TV comedy?
The answer is obvious to Christians at least, and many more besides - well, isn't it?
Sometimes I prefer to look at the EFFECTS of something rather than the prima facie evidence.
Parents generally do not allow their children to access porn so it becomes less dangerous by that very non access.
Parents would happily allow children to watch 'Goodnight Sweetheart'; a programme which puts the viewer on the side of a man committing adultery. We want him to succeed; we want him to escape detection - that is the theme of the programme.
So which is worse in its effects?
Where adults are concerned, people know what porn is and take a clear view on it BUT are they not also vulnerable to the drip, drip, drip of subtle, sinful propaganda.
Not all wrongdoing and evil are presented by caped and moustache-twirling villains or horned demons.
The key word in this piece is 'subtle'.

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