Monday, December 17, 2007

The Chief Rabbi.

Britain is losing its identity because of over-zealous political correctness and a failure to deal with immigration, the Chief Rabbi has warned.
Sir Jonathan Sacks said that the drive for a multi­cultural society had left Britain increasingly intolerant and that too many people were embarrassed about their history

In an interview with The Sunday Telegraph, he stressed that the historic Union with Scotland and the concept of Britain must be preserved.

I could not have put it better myself! An integrated society may work - a multicultural one cannot. The similarity of multiculturalism - in the theory at least - bears a remarkable similarity to "separate development" which was also known as apartheid.
The liberal left would argue that one society was compulsory and one not.
Okay. When were you asked about the leftwing destruction of your nation and its culture?

Looking Back. How Helpful To The Christian Faith Was The King's Speech?