Monday, December 10, 2007

I would like to believe...

The government claims that it will build 7,000 wind turbines by 2020 and it will be sufficient to power every home in the UK. - ¡Ojalá! - as Spaniards say. "If only that were true!"
Let us forget the enormous capital costs, astronomical running costs [four times present costs - they are NOT free] , damage to scenery,
fishing and wildlife. The only other minor problem is that it almost certainly will not work. Too little wind and nothing is generated - too much and they have to be turned off.
We are expected to believe that each and every one of these units will work perfectly and supply enough power to sort out 4,000 homes.
I simply don't believe it.
I really hope to be proved wrong on this one.


Looking Back. How Helpful To The Christian Faith Was The King's Speech?